Sunday, January 9, 2011

why i dont race

     why don't i race? at first i thought of all the reasons that liberal white people would approve of .....i ride for the sensation of freedom it gives me, i ride to be closer to my surroundings whether it be the urban landscape or a natural one, racing brings out the worst in the human condition (this has to be a quote, but at 3am i cant for the life of me remember who said/wrote it), I'm a free spirit that cant be contained by the restraints of a race course......these of course are all BULLSHIZNANNY!
     the real reason i don't race is that  for all my love of cycling, there are somethings i love just as much.....stout beer, cigarettes (oh yeah, i said it and proudly at that: i fuckin smoke!!!), bacon at 3am, staying up past my bedtime, sitting on my ass and NOT meaninglessly toiling away countless hours logging "training miles", i could keep going but i think you get the point. the truth is a ride to a coffee shop, or favorite bar, or to the grocery store seems much more appealing than chasing some douche in a 250 dollar skin suit around a generic race course for two hours. and believe me, with my fitness level i'd always be the chaser. i say it alot, "I'm a destination oriented rider" and by that i mean i wanna go somewhere. I don't have a cycling computer on any of my bikes, i go as fast and as far as is fun on that given ride.period....and while im not saying that no one should race, i am advocating that EVERYONE should try to introduce a little more fun into they're riding......insert sappy relive your youth anecdote here.

1 comment:

  1. ha ha, me again - second time today - you're nailing it here (that means good where i come from, just in case there's any cross atlantic misinterpretation!). gave up the smokes a couple of months ago but i'm still the same type of rider (apart from i can go a bit further now).
