Saturday, January 29, 2011

I am an Ironman....?

Sterling @ Rasmussen Bike Shop found this and showed it to me the other day......had to post it because its HILARIOUS!!!!

1 comment:

  1. very good - that's even better than the 29er one with the cat and rabbit - only recently discovered your blog and must say it's a good read - especially like the vibe around posts such as riding round your own area as it's something that needs to be gotten (does that word actually exist?) across to others who can't afford to take a year/lifetime out to cycle forever.

    The trend of certain mags/sites/others promoting the "not being fun unless you go to mongolia is generally led by city types who've f$$5ed others over now reaping the financial benefits of their misdoings on wall st/city of london etc retired at 30 to cycle the world, continuously for the rest of their lives). anyway, that's my mini-rant over.

    also loved the "way too much bike shit", as did my wife ;-)
