Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New-ish Danny MacAskill Video

Was sitting at the coffee shop the other day and my buddy/riding partner/barista looked up in his not-so-enthused way, and proclaimed "have you seen the new MacAskill?"...."No?" I replied. after a quick search of  youtube it was mine for the watching....Its really good,no, really its good. sound track is great, riding off the chain, and backdrops beautiful....check it out:

keep up on what danny is doing at: www.dannymacaskill.co.uk

if you wanna a little more here's another one....this one is a bit shorter

On a way less cool note, realized ive put about 500 or so miles on the current configuration of the casseroll and havent really updated what it currently looks/ rides like:
 So whats different? Threw on some 'cross tires (Ritchey SpeedMax Comp, be exact), FSA Metropolis Handlebar, and a 110mm -9degree stem....for me this is a magic combination...slightly upright, yet quick handling. adding length to the stem allows for the aggressive back sweep of the bars: so i get a comfy hand position that handles really well. The SpeedMax tires roll great, and hook up when pushed onto the sidewalls, perfect for the dirty trails of my commute...thats all for now, thanks and enjoy

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