Thursday, January 27, 2011

Frickin Sunshine & Surly Open Bar

This morning brought a tiny ray of being the rocket genius that I am, I thought that a little early spring cleaning in the workshop/garage was in order. So, brewed up some coffee and added a hefty splash of  Bailey's and headed to the dungeon. Three hours later I've come to this conclusion: I HAVE A ABSURD AMOUNT OF BIKE SHIT!! Here's a shot of the garage with all the bikes in a central location

Don't get me wrong folks there are plenty of people out there with heaps more bikes than this....but it couldn't help but make me wonder two things:

1) Is my wife right? Am I really obsessed with cycling and bikes

2) Do they pay those wackos on that hoarding show, and I wonder if it would be enough to get that custom titanium Black Sheep I've been drooling over for the last 2yrs?

What I'm most proud of is that after 3 months I can finally see the top of  the work proud in fact, that I'm gonna post a picture of it:

And  as promised a blurb about the new handlebar I'm gonna guinea pig for BRR.....

Product: Surly Open Bar

Manufacturer: Surly Bikes

Price: 60 bones (US)

First let me say....this bar is Really frigging wide....surly claims it to be 666mm (damn number of the beast!) which is about 26.25 inches, but never fear there is a truck load of grip area  (6.5inch or 165mm).....soooo, if you wanna a shorter bar it can be cut down a bit. As a reference most grips range from 100mm to 130mm, add little room for brakes and/or shifters and I figure I could conceivably cut off between a half to three quarters of an inch off each end....I'll post a final width on the bars when i have them mounted and cut. Also, I wanted to post a top view of the bar as it is nigh impossible to find this view anywhere. It is worth noting that the handlebar pictured is the 0mm rise version, its also available in a 40mm rise.....for BRR its going on the Salsa, but the finally destination will be a 1x9 Surly CrossCheck (as soon as the robins egg blue frame comes available in my size).....Anywhoo, that's all I got for today....I'll leave you with a cool picture from a coffee cruz my wife and I did this summer....toodles!


  1. OH M GOSH! I have two sets of Surly open bars (Dummy and Troll currently), hadn't thought about the 666 sign of the beast issue. Should I be concerned? Should I find a Priest?

  2. Only if that preist has a hacksaw......these bars are grand canyon wide!!!!!!.......i cut 3/4 of an inch off each side of mine
