Friday, February 11, 2011

danny macaskill......and my coffee cup

this video has been floating around  you tube for awhile....but  its still fan-tabulous. if your not inspired to ride after watching this.....check your pulse, you may be dead. check this guy out at:

after a week of 12hr days....i think the message of my coffee cup sums up my needs and feelings for the week (the message, in case your NOT a master of the obvious---"fuck you i need coffee!!") make it bike related i will say that this cup fits perfectly into a standard water bottle cage
have to share this little tidbit about my son sage, who being the coolest five-year-old of all time (and i swear i'm not saying that because he's mine) requested that i play "robot music" for him as i'm writing this post.....sure you're wondering "what in the hell is robot music" click below to hear my sons favorite song

merry weekend y'all

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