Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sycamore Trail

today brought to an end another week of toiling away in the mines.....being on the night shift i've developed two rituals of note:

1) the beer bath---this is a steaming hot bath (of the bubbly variety) accompanied by a six pack of my favorite overpriced, thick as mud microbrew

2) the friday morning exhaustion ride---working nights means monday starts on sunday night, thus friday ends on friday morning. so being the idiot that i am i have a developed a "unique system", whereby, i get off work in the morning, go home and get some much needed family time, see wifey and son of to work/school and after being awake for 20hrs, go for a ride.......

which brings me to the title line of todays entry.

after a quick visit with my friends  at ironheart tattoo i zipped east on urbandale ave, picking up the trestle to trestle trail for a mile or so, then crossed douglas ave at MLK and dropped onto the sycamore trail. once on sycamore there is a paved trail that parallels the des moines river that stretches from MLK to morningstar dr.....there is also a double track trail the runs between the paved trail and the river.feeling a little adventurous i opted for the double track. i cruised along the slightly damp dirt path for a bit, noting that with each pedal stroke more and more of the world famous iowa clay was collecting at the pitch points on the crosscheck. after a half mile or so i happened along what appeared to be minor stream crossing. it was NOT a minor stream crossing. so after fording the knee deep frozen steam i pressed on only to be reward with an awe inspiring display of wildlife (none of which i was able to capture a picture of ) , i was shadowed by a pair of bald eagles, badgered by a group of canadian geese, buzzed by suicidal squirrels, and spooked by a pair of white tail rocketing across the trail. The animal show inspired me to press on  though the soup and three other stream crossings till i reached a clear cut makeshift trail the followed some power lines running from east
just before crossing the stream in the background
to this time my feet were quazi-frostbitten and my bike was completely covered in muck. with a strict 3:15pm retrieval time for my son, i decided to follow the power lines to some blacktop. a half a mile later the trail intersected the Neal Smith which after a short ride, delivered me to the intersection at nw beaver ave. i grabbed a quick drink snapped a picture at the trail head on the west side of beaver and spun off on what i thought was the neal smith toward saylorville dam. my actual destination was urbandale via johnston by way of an as yet unidentified paved trail. upon arrival in ubandale i happened on a cookie cutter housing development ripe full of mini-vans, this served to remind me that i need to fetch the boy from school. so half frozen and super stoked about the urban adventure i'd had i sprinted back to beaver ave and then home. this was an killer ride....adventure just out of my doorstep, i'm now completely sold on the merits of owning a cyclocross bike. trails that i would normally pass by on my mountain bike are now viable options, it was a welcome lesson in line section as with a 35mm tire small ruts dramatically affect steering. i cant wait for spring!!!! GRAVEL, HERE I COME!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

one post begets another

had to post a pic of the new bike that landed in the stable today......this is the"fresh outta the box" look, soon to be traded for the "looks like a bike dre would ride" look. for those of you who are wondering why this bike was purchased as a complete---surly and QBP have WAY more buying power than, shimano cuts them a better deal on parts than i could ever hope for. Pay attention kids, this is probably the only real good piece of advice on purchasing a new bike (aside from buy the one that fits ya!!): Buying a bike complete  is alot cheaper than piecing it together bit by bit. anyway, here's the new crosscheck....i'll be updating and filling you in on the ride as i get some saddle time on the thing.
on a separate, but equally cool note the wood plugs i ordered from omerica organic body jewelry showed up at the casa today.....holy shit, they are really nice (the picture really doesn't do them justice at all) they are beautifully crafted with high quality materials....and very reasonably price, got both pairs for under 80 shmackroos....for those of you that are into this kinda thing, you know its dirt cheap......omerica is a denver based company that makes all kinda cool shit....not stretched? never fear, they make belt buckets, dog tags and post style earrings as well. check 'em out

Friday, February 11, 2011

danny macaskill......and my coffee cup

this video has been floating around  you tube for awhile....but  its still fan-tabulous. if your not inspired to ride after watching this.....check your pulse, you may be dead. check this guy out at:

after a week of 12hr days....i think the message of my coffee cup sums up my needs and feelings for the week (the message, in case your NOT a master of the obvious---"fuck you i need coffee!!") make it bike related i will say that this cup fits perfectly into a standard water bottle cage
have to share this little tidbit about my son sage, who being the coolest five-year-old of all time (and i swear i'm not saying that because he's mine) requested that i play "robot music" for him as i'm writing this post.....sure you're wondering "what in the hell is robot music" click below to hear my sons favorite song

merry weekend y'all

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Brr in the books, Ragbrai overnights announced

Brr was a blast...the weather was nice as it can be for a february ride in iowa, and aside from a few drunken country bumpkins the ride had little to offer in the way of drama.....which is a good thing. our small, but stalwart crew set out for the glorious hamlet of Ripey about 10:30a (a half hour after the official cannon shot start), arrived at noon-ish had a few of the local libations and then headed back to perry (albeit, two shy of our of our crew...but never fear we picked up two sets of fresh legs for the return trip). One of the best things about this ride is the fact that for a few hours cyclist rule the road. The roads aren't closed to motorized traffic.....they are just at our mercy...which here in des moines probably isn't so odd, but out in the country? not so much. Thanks to the Perry Chamber of Commerce and (who by the way answer emails in minutes, amazing) surly open bar handlebar i was gonna put on my salsa for this ride never made it on the bike, i instead started breaking in a new brooks saddle...which ill also review at some point.

pictured here(from Left to Right): J Dis, Apollo Creed a.k.a Stars and Stripes, Grandma Fixed, Dre, Dr. Sandy & Jamie BMX

Oh yeah...ragbrai overnight cities are as follows : Glenwood, Atlantic, Carroll, Boone, Altoona, Grinnell, Coralville & Davenport....i may or may not do a little write up on each one at some point...but i have linked all the local chambers of commerce if you wanna check them out.